

I just love drawing and playing videos games
pronounces: He/Him They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
My Discord: Night_Inferno877#2250
Age: 21

pfp: by me

フォロー数:525 フォロワー数:179

Idk if ya gonna see this or not but I finally finished this cursed drawing lol

I did have to redraw it though because I didn't like it came out the first time

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I'm just gonna give it a shot
I don't mind if i get in or not

also i don't have much drawings of this character
I call Him Inferno (the last picture was something i did out of boredom)

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idk if you'll see this but I decided to redraw one of the sprites from Friday Night Fever mod (I believe it's the left arrow idk I chose a random one)

Idk if it looks great with my art style but here ya go
(I think I made the nails to big lol)

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Idk why but I turn my Friday Night Fever Oc into a Softy like in the Soft!Mod

Beast turn a Bunny lol
(He also look a Nerd)

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I want to say congrats on hitting the big 100k my dude
You deserve 100k my guy no matter what other say you come so far to get where you are now and I wish you best on getting 1,000k some day

Here some old art i have done
(I would added more but all that left)

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Speaking of Friday Night Fever Oc
Have this little mess TvT

P.s. he in yo closet >:3

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As promised
Here it is

Also idk why but I named him Inferno

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⚠️⚠️//Blood warning\\⚠️⚠️

Not gonna lie I did reuse my "Emo teen phase" drawing I did awhile ago but the pose I made fits what I was going for

Also sorry if I do reused some poses a lot too sometimes it's hard to come up with a new one

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I have to be so bored to draw myself in my teen Emo phase lol

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Idk if this should be Fanart or a birthday gift?

Maybe both

I had fun drawing this

Also sorry if I missed anything
Plus I got lazy at the end lmao

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