

I love jRPG's, Japan, Anime, Atlus and Ufotable.
Part-Time Twitch Streamer. E-Mail: [email protected]

フォロー数:4044 フォロワー数:2025

If you're looking for affordable Twitch emotes/panels or very cute art is a great friend that has a lot of experience with it! Her commissions are open and you can find her info here:

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Another great artist that got suggested to me to recommend is who happens to do a lot of cool 3D-looking 2D art and he also did the more recent Shulk/Monado art for Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition! So definitely check him out:

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I'm starting this thread to promote some of my favorite artists in these tough times! I'm starting with AKA Steph! Her art is gorgeous, she loves jRPG's and is also the social media manager at . You can find her links and info at

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I've been a bit nostalgic lately and decided to replay the Atelier Iris trilogy, which is my beloved introduction to the Atelier jRPG series, Ar Tonelico and Mana Khemia. I forgot how funny the english voice acting can be sometimes though LOL I missed this game so much.

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This track is my favorite battle theme in the Trails of Cold Steel games, one of the details that instantly hooked me when I started playing the saga, the normal battle theme being THAT good, instantly appealing and memorable. BGM: The Glint of Cold Steel

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Sakura Wars will be releasing for the PlayStation 4 for both North America & Europe on April 28, 2020! The game will be released with voice-overs only in Japanese and subtitles in English, German, French, and Spanish.

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Set in a post apocalyptic world, NieR Automata does an amazing job showing a world desolated by robots. Featuring amazing sound design with beautiful music into Yoko Taro's amazing story telling.
The World of NieR Automata:

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The Persona 5 Scramble demo is now available in Japan! You can get it from the PlayStation Store and also for the Nintendo Switch via their Japanese eShops. The demo goes through the start of the game and only Joker is playable. Save data can't be transferred to the full game.

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Today, January 28 back in 1998, Final Fantasy Tactics was released! Featuring over 20 types of Jobs and 400 Abilities through the Job System, beautifully laid out 3D environments and the Charge Time Battle System. A masterpiece when it comes to SRPG's despite all the years.

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This is all I think about while fighting Sephiroth as he casts Supernova and the cutscene repeats itself a million times LMAO.

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