

Trying to be more active ;W;

フォロー数:171 フォロワー数:99

Margay X Armadillo

I know. A bit late bit I am trying to catch up with my insta. Sooo I am posting them here too haha

3 4

Borneo Bay Cat X Squirrel

1 1

Snow Leopard X Snow Owl

1 2

Clouded Leopard X Tasmanian Devil

1 2

African Golden Cat X Eagle

1 1

Your art is super gorgeous!! 🥺 Thank you so much for this opportunity 💕

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PLEASE make a kickstarter for the companion app ;W; i would fund it so badly.
I need this.

Also I am so sad that I can't fund you anymore. Are there other ways to support you right now?

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