

In love with art ❤️‍🔥

フォロー数:2708 フォロワー数:2744
# xtz

Thank you Dear that added “Demon inside me” to your collection ❤️‍🔥So happy

3 20

Today was a difficult day, I spent half the day in the hospital with my dog. I can't sleep because of my nerves, so I decided to use this time for good. I will create new works for the collection "Loving Creatures" (objkt).
I really hope that you like it.
Link 🔽

4 38

I've been working all day and now it's time to rest.

Good night, my friends, and may you have the cutest and sweetest dreams.

3 27

Late Good morning my family 😘

I want something new and bright, spring is like a time for a new beginning.
And of course I can't live without animals, so I start as always with cats.
What do you think? 🐈‍⬛

15 104

Good morning my Friends.

Wonderful morning, wonderful day for You💋

Demon inside me
1/1 - 30

17 83

Good morning, good day, good news 🥰

Two my works now in collection
Thank you, it means so much to me 🫶

6 73

Good morning my Friends 🫶
Wish everyone a great day full of surprises 🥰

Work "Filling with floral energy"
(available onFoundation)

3 63

Good morning, my Dears.
Have an amazing day🥰

New works in collection "Tender as a flower"

14 84

Mood of the day 💔

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