

フォロー数:619 フォロワー数:561

Guts is my number 1 MC in fiction and I am only on chapter 9 of the Manga. Truly my goat. 🐒

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I am 100 percent confirmed as to aizen is nothing but overrated trash.
Man has one personality and that is "i am so fucking smart i did everything"
Literally so boring.
Aizen is nothing but a poor man's friend (20th CB antagonist) and aizen is now bottom 5 character of all time.

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Grimmjow the only espada worth talking about (so far) all others have literally no personality and talk same nonsense (oh you thought you defeated me but i already knew what you were gonna do, haha look i am so fucking smart) and yes talking about clowns like aizen and Ulquiorra

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Seen the light
Sung Jin Woo is now bottom 1 character of all time.

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Tweet 4 characters you love and tag at least 5 friends to do the same. 💪🏻

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Next week will hit an entire month since Tower of God went on hiatus. We still have no confirmation when it plans to come back.

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Tower of God is just a godly experience. Never experienced something like this.

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One thing i really love about long running series like TOG and One piece are the theories that fandom comes up with no matter how absurd those are it's always fun to read/watch them.

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