

lvl 21
I exist

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:95

Hah, he found the camera
(I hope there is no flash)

6 17

I had an temperatur yesterday. And you know that sometimes there are hallucinations? Well, I had one that someone was sitting on me

4 6

You know those moments in dancing when your partner is too close to your face?

6 8

It seems to me that he
1) soon get lost in the bamboo forest
2) fall into the well-known Tewi pit

2 5

Intresting, what they read?

4 14

Argh... Why I can't draw anything. Only arts for my friends. I think I need to rest

3 9

* i'm siting and silent *

2 4

March 8. International women day. So I decided
Why not draw my classmate

0 4

Bounce bounce
Yamabunny = bunny yamabiko
Kyouny = kyouko bunny

11 21