Nine INT Data & Trending Teamさんのプロフィール画像

Nine INT Data & Trending Teamさんのイラストまとめ

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🔴9.2 Data Summary🔴

The number of Chaohua sign in still dropping compare to yesterday 😭Have you sign in today? Do you see fresh Nine today? 😊
please don't forget sign in Chaohua everyday, it doesn't take much time 🙂

32 11

Nine will switch to Battle mode tonight again. Wish he can get success in the game and award with medal 🏅

cr. 流树奈

Sporty NaiNine

168 101

Always be sad of having flawed skin with dry and cool weather in winter, luckily, Physiogel can help me solve problems in the following winter. I can be a flawless angel as Nine with facial cream and body lotion.

Cr. —nineee—

Nine Flawless BA

84 49

Do you want to have perfect skin like Xiao Jiu? Let's learn from Nine starting from today with Physiogel.


Nine Physiogel First BA

113 54

🔴27.9 Data Summary🔴

The number of Chaohua sign in has dropped below 17000 today. Jams, are you forgotten to sign in when you didn't see Nine? 😢Please don't forget to sign in Chaohua every day! It only takes a few seconds 😭

54 44

Nine: Am I 'A' (cool)?
高卿尘: 我A吗?

Nine can't decide, what do Nine Happiness think? 😂🍓

Cr. 我是你的蛋哥呐
Kornchid in GMHausSH

99 62

Nine looks so handsome when wearing Gentle Monster's sunglasses 🥰 Do you agree?

Cr. 陳朱朱
Kornchid in GMHausSH

141 98

Nine, are you scared of the horse that you met in the pre-opening of Gentle Monster HAUS SHANGHAI? 😂🥰

Kornchid in GMHausSH

151 113

The data team would also like to congratulate Nine for his 5th month of debut ❤️ We will stand by Nine to support him as much as we can 🏰✨

Drawing cr. 川川
GaoQingChen No5

230 183

Topic of the trend: Send Nine your Mid-Autumn Blessings

Nine, on this special day, I hope you are happy. I give you my blessings, hope that you are in good health and successful 🥰

Mooncake with NaiNine

210 131