

╏Posting people from Ninjala Community and ninjas (almost) everyday╏Don't do negative comments or stuff╏Be kind with everyone here╏ (mention requests: Open)

フォロー数:167 フォロワー数:769

The Ninjala community person of the day is , his main OC is Tatsuo, a half dragon half Shinobi monster. His main weapon is UFO Hammer, an artist that just play with friends.

Comment “🖤” if you support this user or something like that ".

31 104

The Ninjala community person of the day is , their main OC is Elliot. A SK8 Hammer main, droner / attacker for the Radiance team.

Comment “🐲” if you support this user or something like that ".

28 105

The Ninjala community person of the day is . A casual player who likes to compete against strong players, used Donut & Ball, currently use Spinner and Calibur. Former member of TR & currently a member of PL.

Comment “💛” if you support this user or something like that ".

25 102

The Ninjala community person of the day is , his OC is Frostie, a kind & loving Ice Princess. Shinobi Spinner and Ippon Katana main that like help teammates in Team Battle, love make covers of Ninjala users

Comment “☄️” if you support this user or something like that"

28 103

The Ninjala community person of the day is , their main character/OC is Meiko. A Corn Bat user, part of SA (Selfish Access), and a Ninjala artist.

Comment “🖤” if you support this user or something like that ".

39 110

The Ninjala community person of the day is , their OC is a Devil with no name. They practice variety of weapons to surpass top players. Playing since season 1, finally achieved a goal to reach BR in season 6.

Comment “❤️” if you support Snake or something like that".

37 160

The Ninjala community person of the day is , their OC is a recreation of themselves. Casually competitive and sometimes roleplay as other Ocs. Someone that wants have fun whenever and however possible.

Comment “❤️” if you support this user or something like that"

33 125

The Ninjala community person of the day is , her OC is Ender. Trick Ball and Drill Beast main, she's a casual player that dances in BR a lot and she love to redesign Ninjala gear.

Comment “🖤” if you support Ender user or something like that ".

41 103

The Ninjala community person of the day is . A casual Ninjala player, he like to use Asakusa wheel and Ninja CarpetI. He do art from time to time.

Comment “💚” if you support this user or something like that ".

25 118

The Ninjala community person of the day is , their main OC is Cherry Piff, but mostly plays with other characters. A Chewing V and DJ Scratch main, occasional competitive player but mostly play for fun.

Comment “❤️” if you support this user or something like that".

28 112