

• He/Him • AroApe

• Artist, Minecraft Mod Dev, Sometimes I mess around with Music, Sound Designing and Animation

フォロー数:629 フォロワー数:10268

Me about to post something not minecraft related and get ghosted for it again lol
Anyways i made some "starter" pokemons based on cryptids, really happy with them

6 104

Small treasure item idea: Molten gold

12 159

i made a birb

4 47

No talk he angy

4 66

Wouldn't it be cool to give more functionality to amethyst by adding new building blocks?

35 309

I made some anurognathus patterns, they are cute

2 41

I made a spore creeper, a new neutral mob that lives in the mushroom island and gets uhh... explosive when you hit a mooshroom or mine some mushroom blocks.

21 196

The chonky rabbit resouce pack (also known as chubby cheeks) got an update! Now we have even more improved animal models like sheeps, pigs, cows, bats, you name it! Go check it out:

44 296

A bunch of other item mixed

's chicken totem (totem of unvibing+chicken)
's fish on a prismarine stick(carrot on a stick+prismarine shard)
's chicken nuggets(gold ingot+chicken)
's poisonous pearl(poisonous potato+ender pearl)

2 61

no cool post today, have some dinosaurs

7 138