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Here's the PR Release and Screenshots for Grafaiai's announcement on 01/09/2022 for (SV).

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Another thing I'm really curious to see in the Johto-Kanto Legends, is if they will have ancestors of the Kimono Girls that somehow include Bill and Valerie look-alikes. XD

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Interestingly, this is the 1st game to feature 3 different "Teams" simultaneously, as in Japanese they are the "Ginga-dan", "Kongō-dan" and "Shinju-dan", with "団" meaning "Gang" and being usually localized as "Team".
Will GET pursue Giratina? Or Arceus?🤔

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Can y'all just drop the useless conversation about Arceus' ring being there or not there, because
A) it clearly isn't,
B) it hardly matters until we know why.
Didn't y'all want a new Arceus form anyways?
So what's even the problem with this?
This is ridiculous people... =_='

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As you might have easily noticed, Lian's hairstyle, hat and pickaxe clearly set him up to be the ancestor of Clay, the Gym Leader of Driftveil City in Unova.

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Time for a thread on

The game takes place on the planet ZDR, which is either a Chozo home planet or a planet explored by them like SR388.
It seems like the "Warlike Splinter Group" teased in Metroid: Samus Returns' Chozo Memories is still active on this planet...

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Also, forgot to mention this, but I hope that this new story will eventually bring Camilla back into the fold, with Torchic's line as her Sync Pair Pokémon. But we shall see...
(Sorry world, but I need my tanned track and field tomboy...)

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New Pokémon Snap:
- Region > Lental/Lentil Archipelago
(Lentils suggest a Southeast Asian location?)
- Lab > L.E.N.S. (Laboratory of Ecology and Natural Sciences)
- Professor > Mirror/Kagami
- Assistant > Rita
- Pod > NEO-01/NEO-ONE
- Food > Fluffruit/Fuwa Ringo (Fluffy Apple)

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I think the DP Remakes will introduce a redesigned Underground Man:
- ORAS turned Route 111's Secret Power Boy into Aarune. The Underground has a partial remaster of that route's theme.
- Family Trifecta = Roark > Rock-types + Byron > Steel-types + Underground Man > Ground-types.

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God dang it Game Freak!😤
You got the hands wrong again, just like with Roserade's line.😩
Right Hand = Blue = Chesed
Left Hand = Red = Geburah
Although I suppose that, from the Player's perspective facing Mustard head on, the colors are on the right side.🤔
Confusing as always.

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