Ninty Mediaさんのプロフィール画像

Ninty Mediaさんのイラストまとめ

Making print products themed around #Nintendo properties! Home of the #GAMEBOOK, GAMEBOOK #COLOR and #Ninsight - we also made #SwitchPlayer and #NintyFresh!

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We're now accepting and pitches for our next issue of Switch Player!

Got a unique or thought-provoking idea that you'd love to see in print? Send pitches through to at 📝

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Given it was its 10th anniversary a couple days ago, I feel now is as good a time as any to call for one of the best and most ambitious 3DS games to come to Switch!

Kid Icarus deserves his time to shine!

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🎶 We don’t talk about Bruno, no, no, no. 🎶

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Issue 58 of is out NOW! With a focus on and the new remakes and loads of other stuff too! And this stunning cover too! Miss print magazines? Grab this!

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It's almost that time again, which means a new issue of is inbound!

Since there's a new title in the horizon we tasked with making something special for and

What do you think?

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REVIEW: After 10 long years without a mainline instalment, is finally here on

Is it worth the wait? delves into Travis Touchdown's latest outing in our review:

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Issue 52 of is out NOW! This one is all about New Snap and has a stunning cover and loads of other stuff including features from and !

Order your print copy here 👇

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Woah! A monthly PRINT magazine? With the awesome on the cover? And an interview with ? You'll need to order a copy of , mate. And you'll get a FREE trading card as well!

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Hey ! We make a silly little Nintendo Switch magazine and our next issue features our votes on the top 40 Switch games. Would love to get a digital/physical copy to you and see if you agree with our choices!

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Issue 40 of is out May 15th and will feature our verdict on the top 40 games. Support us on to get this delivered in PRINT to your door and help keep print magazines a thing!

Please share and support!

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