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Can’t wait for part two of another wisdom teeth extraction in Wednesday. I totally enjoy watching my gum bleed for another 3-4 days and one week worth of pain.
While I think pain killers is helping me, I think I healed way faster than I thought. I’m not in drastic pain like in yesterday. I feel swollen a bit, but I don’t feel like shit. Maybe my healing factor is better in some aspects than what I initially thought.
My dad decided to ditch Xfinity and went with AT&T fiber, since he said it’s cheaper. I guess it’s good for me, perhaps.
I’ve been looking back to the original Love Live series bc of a video recently talking about its modern CGI.
It makes me wonder how well the original design would look with the improved CGI in LL? The old MV CG aged even worse than SIP. 1/2
Little Witch Nobeta’s official Twitter account is insane whenever I look at it. 💀
I can’t wait to get ratio’d by touhou fans from making that tweet.
Some of you people can’t survive what I see on my twitter feed on a bad day.
I might say fuck it and buy Sonic Frontiers over Pokémon. Sonic deserves my money more than GameFreak or the Pokémon company.
Should I be worried that C5 Keqing is very comparable against C6 Childe in the same hyperbloom team? Holy cow, Keqing got a massive upgrade with Nahida, especially at C2. It’s weird how one new element made a low mid tier character to high tier. Keqing is so freaking good.
People say indie games can be easily run on Atari/NES games or whatever don’t know anything about hardware. It’s unironically annoying.