

@LumiAIROfficial's Egyptian Princess Vtuber! ☥ | Cosplayer | 💜 Nile Bites 💜 | @DrinkPOGGERS Affiliate! Code: NIXIEHIME for 10% Off!

フォロー数:1411 フォロワー数:1639

people will go on saying "oh this Nia design is better than this Nia design" but nobody ever talks about how great her OG design is. Every part of it is mean to represent how much she wants to hide different aspects of herself from others. It's actually genius.(cute cat also btw)

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Here's the design reference for my V3 design! Once again made a design I really love. I will be debuting my model on stream in the coming weeks. Thanks for watching and stay tuned!

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Nobody talks about Pearl's lowkey render glowup during Splatoon 2's run

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Gonna try this Vtuber trend out! 😸

What do you think? ✨

Always up for making new vtuber friends and doing collabs!

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I'm streaming right now! I'm very excited to return to streaming after a short break!

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Streaming some miku right now. Short and comfy stream tonight.

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I've just got up for the day and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of birthday wishes 😭😭😭🥺 There's so many! Thank you 😭😭😭😭😭

Birthday Art by

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haha i mean 🥺👉👈

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I am streaming the Splatoon 3 story mode right now! I'm so happy the game is out! I might be bad idk

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After Mio I will cosplay her because she's so great

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