

YoRHa Unit No.9 Type S Designation: 9S(Nines) B: 61cm, W: 53cm, H: 73cm Height: 160cm Weight: 129.9kg {NieR/DrakengardRp/Xover&MultiverseFriendly/BothSFW&NSFW}

フォロー数:177 フォロワー数:128

“Emil my friend I love you. But you’re theme music is such a mood killer...”

6 11

Short Story Thread
Nier: Automata




13 38

“She really knows how to piss me off.”

1 6

{{That face when you realize you just platinumed Nier:Automata this morning and don’t have anything to play atm.}}

4 8

“2B I know you think it’s cute but...”

38 121

“Anemone gave us these “cosplay” outfits. She said they suit us great...”

1 1

“the [E]nd of YoRHa”

1 2