noah pasternakさんのプロフィール画像

noah pasternakさんのイラストまとめ

BA in Animation ~ Sheridan College 2024 // marx brothers rising, three stooges moon

フォロー数:2100 フォロワー数:3057

Alright, they definitely know about all the jokes people make about Beetle and Sarge. Look at him in that last panel. They know what they're doing

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This is like if they revealrd Ziggy was a 10 year old or something. Like there's nothing to contradict it I guess, but it would still be sickening. I think I would vomit

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Didn't they smash?? Is she a kid too??? If she's supposed to be a kid that's just sick and Jesus must return immediately

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Would have more respect for Buzzfeed if they'd slipped this one in their "grown-up celeb children who look just like their parents did" thread and not said anything about it

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I like today's "Hi and Lois"

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