

He/Him. Aspiring artist working on the IPad Pro and with pencil on paper. Also:…

フォロー数:583 フォロワー数:285

Each movie might hit a very similar cord for audiences, and some might find it stale, but the Star Wars franchise isn’t only the movies.

Publishing is, imo, home to the best of the IP and I hope more folks give the artists involved there the attention they deserve.

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They all do! But I’ll shoutout some specific champions.
-Revenge of the Sith novelization
-Darth Bane Trilogy
-The High Republic (as a whole)

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“For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch - it matters. I don’t turn towards the light because it means I’ll ‘win’ some sort of cosmic game. I turn towards it because it is the light.” - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Republic Special Forces hide from the Confederacy in mysterious geological formations on an unknown world.

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Drop 4 Star Wars characters with the first letter of your name.

Han Solo, Hanharr, Hera Syndulla, Hoth

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I love all the dragons by Fromsoft and the common favorite would be Midir. BUT…
There was always something about Sinh that struck me as so dang cool. Climbing through a ruined kingdom to kill a dragon awakened by a foolish king? Perfect.

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Hm, depends on the person & their interests. is so broad and covers so many genres.
Something thoroughly outside the films? I'd prob say 'The Bane Trilogy' or 'The High Republic'.
Something to expand the films? Either 'Master & Apprentice' or 'The ROTS Novelization'.

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