


フォロー数:1541 フォロワー数:194

In the midst of all the Dark Souls™️ works, Shrouded Throne makes a return. Featuring the latest axe lady, Rasha, with a lot of fluff. Fluff is great.

4 15

I'm pretty much forced into this because monkeybard pinged only me😔
So hope people like my pixel girls and (occasionally) pixel boys.

I don't even know many people so I will just bully into this
maybe tag is needed idk

4 14

Here comes the crippled Prince Lorian who has a big strong heart and is a big strong brother.
His set was quite an experience, rated 10/10, definitely not recommended doing for your own sake.
Big thanks to a certain Lorian simp who provided me countless references.

17 70

Have some weapon idea so here is Cassandra with her new personal weapon

4 14

Cassandra minus her armor but plus maximum braids and a big ol halberd (I dont actually know what kind of weapon this should be called). Not for the project, just wanna sprite my girl.

10 40

She goes Hey-ho Hunterino and flexes those biceps that can snap you in half. It is Moga Sweatheart, the best girl of Monster Hunter franchise!

19 47

Originally one of my earliest work, now he has a cool cloak, a cool plate armor, two cool crests, and the hecking cool wiggling collar. It is Torus, the Storm Legion Commander, who has such a squinted eyes that people would think he forgot his glasses.

3 9

Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red… Well he is blue now tho and that doesn’t rhyme any more so well, he is just Ragnar now. One of the many heirs of the Racrien Empire, it is my boi Ragnar!

3 16

In FE there is priest that goes heal heal and there is priest that goes pew pew. Beatrix is the pew pew type that will zap you with lightning for the fun of it. That covers the nun area (don't we all like some nun) of this hack.

5 10

What's this? I mysterious masked girl is approaching you, what shall you do? Well better run away before this thieving girl mugs you of all your possessions. Or perhaps you can be quick and try to recruit her as we do to all the thieves of Fire Emblem.

6 28