

French🇨🇵 self-taught artist | I just wanna do art ~
◾Flipnote/PC Animator ◾
Pfp : kékéflipnote

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:580

▫️Theme : Frost of the Aster

I'm weak to fluffy dragons tho... I'm not satisfied with this design...
I chose it because this flower is also called Frost flower.

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▫️Theme : Tacca Bat

Ok so this flower is litterally call bat flower <xD
Tho i cannot use that as a title so I mixed with their scientific name.

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▫️Theme : Aechmea Lezard

I'm not used to lizard and I had to check for inspiration.
Also I gave them ears because of the small blue button flowers inside the flower itself.

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▫️Theme : Foxglove's Spirit

An other design made because of the flower's name!
I should slow down on yokai because of last year but it was tempting.

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▫️Theme : Cherry Tree Dragon

A noodle yaaaay
I loved this kind of dragon since Seiryu. Tho I'm still struggling on legs.
I plan to do more noodles!

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▫️Theme : Red Spider Lily

This is a suggestion from a friend, but I can't deny that I struggled on this design.
I thought that a spider would fit :")

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▫️Theme : Bleeding Amaranthus

Today I used two flowers!
The amaranthus for the tail and the bleeding heats for the rest of the design!
I did something like a bat.

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▫️Theme : Hibiscus Koï

For a flower often related to the sea, I wanted to do a fish design again.
I took a red and orange flower and the palette was good for a Koi!

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▫️Theme : Phoenix of protea

Bird character again, must admit that I start to like them!
I struggled before finding the character behind this flower.

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▫️Theme : Cosmos creature

I'm not going to lie, i wen a bit yolo on this one.
It started from an alien to a dragon-like thing.
I have been very unsure about the blue :x

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