

Un chico nada común que le gusta pasar su tiempo haciendo videos, dibujando y pasando el rato con sus amigos nwn

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:112

I beat Inevitable Equilibrium on the second attempt!
I almost had a heart attack because of how nervous I was!
I'm proud of myself, haha xd

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This was really quite difficult, it took me about four attempts, it would be more if I had not used Seaweed.

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Dark Sanguine for Black Friday uwu

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Of all the navals this year, these are the ones I have waited for the most -w-
They really are incredible nwn

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I already wanted to have this set for a long time :3
It's pretty cool!

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Doomknight Naval Commander!

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The house is what I like the most :D

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Finally Hollowborn Rank 10! nwn

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Hollowborn Paladin and Classic Paladin Full set!

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