

I'm Noex!✨ This is an Alt Acc to interact more with fandoms and enjoy the art of others! HABLO ESPAÑOL también 💟

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"... Y los médanos serán témpanos / En el vértigo de la eternidad... " I been unable to progress things since i came from my family trip. But at least i have some recent wips of and his infernal steed! I want to do sometime a pic of him as 🖤

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BTW Capaz no haya un brush por defecto en SAI para hacer el efecto de brillo/glow, pero hay forma de lograrlo manualmente... yo al menos solía usar el efecto Luminosity en al menos dos o tres capas de corrido + rematar con Shade para perfilarlo! Espero sirva x)

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UNA MÁS y no les jodo más!
These are the examples of cross hatching and made by hand patterns from the same tutorial: you can see clearly how something so SIMPLE as changing the type of inking can give a lot of feeling to the artwork!!!

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A artwork (Grayscale + Colour) i did to explain my art process! Y está todito en español, por si les da curio ver 💟 https://t.co/mfY2z2OA5v

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[Artistical Notes While Painting - Part 5]
THERE. THE E N D 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks for reading! Y si tienen alguna duda, ven que erré algo o me faltó explicar something, give me a shot! MUCHAS GRACIAS A por impulsarme a hacer esta monstruosidad LOL GO PAINT A !

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[Artistical Notes While Painting - Part 4]
We are almost finished! It could be finished here but if you want those neon eye-destroyer colours i usually have, here i start explaining them! También pueden simplemente arrojarle un solo color y que sea monocromático ✨

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[Artistical Notes While Painting - Part 3]
Out of the LIGHT and in to the DARK! Keep polishing your art: is hardwork but the only way to achieve these type of effects. El cross hatching lo aprendí en mi primer Inktober sdkjfhdh

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[Artistical Notes While Painting - Part 1]
HERE STARTS! A wannabe with side notes to show how i do my digital rendering 💟 For now in Spanish. Feat as my "art model" LOL

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I been so late to everything -is hard for me sometimes to manage presence everywhere- but i wanted to make you know how much i get inspired by your words and... to just give you this... Thank you! 💟

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Esos días son infiernos para un espíritu indomable al que este tipo de cosas te dejan con ganas de 💥... y que te hice seguidilla: imaginé que 505 esperaría a que Dem estuviera más relajada y tranqui para acompañarle 💟 estufa peludita necesaria!

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