

I play games without using my hands
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Word's already spreading about my egg warrior and I have been designing. It's still a work in progress. I have about a 50% wr at top 25 legend. Still experimenting but here's current version:

11 77

Hit fast legend on asia after calling I would at rank 4. I feel like Babe Ruth! I've been using galakrond warrior list. 1 battlerage+sn1p. Strongest deck out there right now imo.
Code: AAECAaPLAwaQA68E47QDq7YDn7cDxcADDBbUBPsMnfACs/wC3KkD2K0D2q0D/q4Dqq8D0q8DpLYDAA==

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Played Some nohandslock with the new Chaos Gazer. Chaos gazer is great for making some super awkward turns for our opponent. Feel like it has advantages and disadvantages over albatross. Could see both being viable strats.

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Hit rank 5 legend with highlander mage using 's list. Went 15-8 against rogues. This list felt quite favored against rogues

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I was really liking Nightmare Amalgam as a change to the nohandslock. 3 drop with mech/dragon synergy which is now really important with the nerf. Here's my current list and a new youtube video:

11 82

Used 's best highlander mage deck after trying a bunch of weird stuff today. Its insane! Went 24-9 with it on stream climbing back to top 10. Code:

20 125

I've been experimenting with more value heavier curve versions of even Paladin. I'm trying to find a version that's better against odd warrior.Was able to get this version up to top 10 legend. Probably not optimal but it could be used in specialist.

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