

⚔️ Star Blitzball Player of the Zanarkand Abes | Gamer | RPGs | Platformers | Metroidvania | Retro Games | Final Fantasy | Anime ⚔️

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I wish the success of and the rest of the series would prompt some kind of action on to work with Nintendo on a Xenosaga revival. At least re-release the games. And then there's and Xenogears... strike while the iron is hot!

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Sorry for the lewd pic but I thought a couple of nakedpons might make your day.

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Since female main characters in video games is a hot topic today let's discuss our favorites! Who are your favorite leading ladies? Also I conside Celes/Terra both the MCs in FF6.

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I try not to get overhyped for games, but I'm not even trying to hold back my anticipation for this one!

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Trials of Mana, pound for pound, is the best remade/remastered game has produced. Change my mind.

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Pre orders for Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Live A Live are in! Cant wait for the end of July!! Ya’ll plan on playing one or both of these?

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Who doesn’t love moogles?

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I’m not sure I’m playing Fire Emblem three houses correctly. Basically my entire team just watches Byleth and Edelgard run wild through the enemy. Rest of my team is getting squishy.😂

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It took me roughly 51 hours but I’ve finally brought my Xenoblade 2 journey to a close. It was an amazing and emotional ride that I didn’t want to end. But now I’m so looking forward to XC3! Cant wait !!!

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The DioField Chronicle by . I’m definitely intrigued. Another strategy game so soon.

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