

⚔️ Star Blitzball Player of the Zanarkand Abes | Gamer | RPGs | Platformers | Metroidvania | Retro Games | Final Fantasy | Anime ⚔️

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Is it just me or is H’aanit freaking gorgeous? I love the artwork in this game!

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Akira Toriyama has contributed to a lot of great video games. I know I hear a lot of mixed things about his art style but the dudes legacy speaks for itself. Just this nerds humble opinion.

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When I'm about to react to a tweet I like and twitter does its refresh...

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Admittedly, this game started off kind of slow for me. I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it, but now that I have gotten all of the characters it’s starting to gel. Some games you gotta give some times, I guess. RPGs especially.

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What bosses felt epic to you the first time you fought them? The ones that gave you that oh shit moment as soon as you saw them and the battle music kicked in? There’s many for me. But I’m taking final bosses and super bosses out of consideration.

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I mentioned I was playing 4 RPGS at once. These are the 4. I’m enjoying all of these so much. Even tho with ToB I’m procrastinating the ending cause I don’t want it to end! I wish I still did YT cause I’d love to discuss all of these. Thoughts? Love or hate these games?

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Yeah like Ultima looks fine in both versions

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Here are some of my favorites these are gorgeous works of art! Hard to believe it’s the SNES sometimes

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Who are the villains that you love to hate. The ones you can’t wait to see fall! I really want to hear everyone’s opinion so if you see this you’re obligated to tell me 😁 let’s hear them. Most hated villains gooooo.....

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Recent tweet from got me thinking about the Switch and what my favorite exclusives are. What are your favorite Switch games? There are so many good ones. Also I know OT isn’t an exclusive anymore but it was when I bought it so it counts 😂

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