

She/her. I will never correct my misspellings. Taking little blue pills to become the great red dragon. Artist and tabletop writer

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Day 2 is a tree 🌳🌳🌳

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digital painting study means painting eyes, it always means painting eyes

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Fully couldn't get this out of my head at work - In the spirit of Ann Bonny: Tiddy Out Transsexual Piss Pirates

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oh and I've also been working on the art for some 5e monsters I'll be publishing soon

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This is why we do second drafts folks!

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Have I been drawing every day? Yes.

Is day 6 the first prop I don't remotely hate to look at? Absolutely.

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I am all of the above 😂 here’s some D&D art and some fan art and a map for an upcoming campaign I’m running!

Thank you for bringing people together around this 😊

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Going though a bit of a block right now 😭😭 but here's some stuff I finished recently :)

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Sometimes a story needs an akward teenager in clothes that are just a bit too big, luckily I have a lot of reference photos for that kind of thing....

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