Claire Cock-Starkeyさんのプロフィール画像

Claire Cock-Starkeyさんのイラストまとめ

Writer (Lore of the Wild, Hyphens & Hashtags &c). Books, libraries, history. P/t PhD on folklore of death in 19th century England

フォロー数:1440 フォロワー数:3297

Barbegazi are kindly mountain spirits from the French-Swiss Alps. Their name comes from the French ‘barbe glacée’ meaning ‘frozen beard’. They wear bright white fur clothes to stay camouflaged in the snow and have long icicles hanging from their hair and beards.

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Fergus mac Leda had magical water boots and explored the rivers of Ireland. He met such a scary river horse that his face stuck in an expression of horror. Only a king with no blemishes could rule Ireland so he slayed the horse and his face became serene again.

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In the countryside around Cambridge a whole host of dialect persisted into the 20th century, including:
Doddy = small
Fourses = afternoon meal eaten by workers in the fields
Slud = wet mud
Fen nightingales = frogs

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It was said that if you added a sprig of rosemary to a barrel of beer it would stop you from getting drunk. Additionally eating from a spoon made from rosemary wood was supposed to give flavour to even the blandest of dishes.

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The herb basil was said to be the only effective antidote to the poison of the dreadful Basilisk, hence its name.

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In Bavaria farmers will tie small baskets of wild strawberries to the horns of their cattle as an offering to the elves. It is believed that by offering the elves their favourite foods they will in return ensure the cows produce plentiful calves and milk.

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Cuckoos are seen as harbingers of spring. In Wales it was believed that a child born on the day the first cuckoo call of the season is heard will be lucky for their whole life.

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In Slavic folklore butterflies were thought to be the visible soul of a witch. If the butterfly flew into the mouth of a sleeping human it was thought the witch had possessed them.

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To marry someone whose surname begins with the same letter as yours is considered bad luck in Cambridgeshire according to this rhyme:
'Change the name and not the letter,
Change for the worse and not the better'.

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In English lore if the first butterfly of the season you see is white then it foretells a rainy summer. If the first butterfly is dark in colour there will be many thunderstorms. But if the first butterfly is yellow then it will be a summer full of sunshine.

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