

(They/them or she/her)

some kinda Game Dev,

Art Tumblr:

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:583

it's been A Day so i designed a sorta?? skin or somethin for huntress since i keep playing risk of rain 2
and made alternate palettes bc nobody can stop me n its like half past midnight
she comes in vaporwave, sunset, and Nega Huntress

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practicing lineless some more
the orig sketches vs the final product

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o shit it's the trash woman

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i am Incredibly tired
but on the bright side i figured out how to turn my twitter Purple

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a doodly dori before work

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my tablet is continuously being A Little Bitch and is sometimes working n sometimes refusing to do Jack Shit
so thats fun
why god

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sai isn't working w/ my tablet
even after a restart
rip in pieces me

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have some robo mobster things I'll never do anything w/ again bc im lazy

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if I don't draw atleast one (1) thing per day I'll die so i doodled a midori bc she's always cute

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