

nora/kari 🇨🇺 ✦ beel fiend ~~ luv drawing obey me cuties ✦ twin :@Neve_ObeyMe

フォロー数:77 フォロワー数:260

Today is that day! It’s me and ‘s birthday, as well as our mc’s!💖

3 17

Nora turns into…Norman?! (fake anime ss obvs lol)
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2 11

I'm back! And I decided to do the neko atsume trend!<3 My mc and 's mc!
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3 7

Here’s an updated reference of my MC Nora! Please let me know what you think of her!💖
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2 16

I totally forgot about this masterpiece.
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5 22

totally am not working on a UR+ card of Nora

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Here’s Nora! She’s in scaragola, and is usually kept to herself but loves to help others with favors, and offers support:)) very friendly and loves handing out coffee that she brews<3

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