

23 yo semi-pro HS player, twitch partner, First and only person in the world to ever finish rank 1 legend on all 3 servers (december 2022) 🔥[email protected]

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:4269

Hit legend 1 live on stream again, this time with OTK DH. Best possible version of this deck. Looking forward to destroy meta with my own decks tommorow with new expansion. Sad that I can't compete with best players at worlds. I am sure I would do well💪 Deckcode in commnets☑️

5 53

Took my legend 1 back, this time with Aggro Shaman. It was my most successful deck in MT, seems like it also works on ladder

11 77

Just hit rank 1 legend again! This time with my Dragon Hunter. After long testing I finally made the best version of this archetype, enjoy :)

21 148