

Just on here to keep up with Video Games n' Anime. Massive FFVII fan est.1997. I stream from time to time @

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Cloud had/has romantic feelings for both Aerith & Tifa.

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It's that time of the year.

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What did Sephiroth do at the end? He attached his Core to Cloud. His Will & Memories are inside of Cloud, waiting to be reunited with Sephiroths physical body at the Northern Crater which Cloud delivers along with the Black Materia Rebirthing Sephiroth.

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Only Chrono Trigger fans know but this is how I feel right now.

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I would say he could give you some robot legs but I say go the extra mile & just have him build you a Gundam. Then you'll be walking taller than everybody 😆

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I want Diddy Kong Racing to come to N64 Online so bad 😭

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