

A line is a dot that went for a walk. ~Paul Klee.
I ❤ Art and Photography

フォロー数:4535 フォロワー数:15253

Beautiful paintings 🎨
By Artist Evgeniya Brukish

240 520

Lavender 💜

Valensole, Provence

257 687

"The best thing about hard times is that you get to see everyone's true colors."

🎨 by artist Loribelle Spirovski

117 142

Papa gorilla playing with his son🦍

They say" the better a male gorilla is with babies, the luckier he is with the ladies."😉

San Diego zoo🎥Liz Sauer

481 1425

A moment of peace 🌅

Bellagio, Lago di Como

229 534

"When you accidentally open the front camera."😺

(Caption and video 🎥by melissa_scottish on Instagram)

238 592

Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease.

~N. Mahfouz

(🎥🎶bu_khaled on Instagram)

342 675

Drop by drop I will fall
On your body and soul
And find a home in you!

~ Avijeet Das

(🎥gartentashi on Instagram)

154 206

I want to be your favorite book
The one you read over and over again.
~Komal kapoor

(Illustration by Gloria Pozzi)

101 129

A special roar from Smokey the lion😯

(🎥GG Conservation on Instagram)

169 306