

Hooligan of the harvest. Lover of blondes. Don't follow me I'm dumb. !!18+ ONLY!!

フォロー数:1723 フォロワー数:118

Inventive and helpful. Apple Kid from the hit RPG Mother 2 (Earthbound in Japan) was never given the proper credit he deserved for help Ness and Co. In their quest to save the world.

Sadly, would fall victim to his unhealthy eating habits in '99. A brilliant mind taken so soon.

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We have just gotten word that Necrid, of Soul Calibur II fame, has passed on.

Hated by many, loved by few. It's no doubt this beautiful creation from Todd McFarlane made quite the impression. Bamco may have forgotten him after his debut. But we never did. Rest well, chief.

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Cammy is the only Street Fighter character to have a redesign debut in another series before being used in the main one.

The first time Shadoloo Cammy appeared was in the X-Men vs Street Fighter. It later made it's first SF appearance in the Saturn/PS1 ports of SFA2G.

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Tonight's session in two images

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Repka slipping in and out of conscience saying his (unlikely) last words

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Fucked up the lyrics. I'm a fake fan smh.

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