

Foolish Optimist - Hopeless Romantic - Boring Protagonist

▪️An inconvenient solivagant▪️

フォロー数:2217 フォロワー数:3122

Another glorious day. Every day I learn from this community. Thank you. Honestly. 🙏

The more I get to know you, the more I want you to get to know me..

For example: wtf is his deal with blue/green, you may ask?

Wish I knew fam.. Wish I knew.. is what it is

gn you mfrs💙💚

6 17

PFP evolution last 24 hrs. I triggered one event with an artifact, and another at random.

has DELIVERED: automated, cohesive AI art, that evolves in game, across 4+ diff NFT collections. LL

Spot the logo?


16 35

12-12-23 My recipe for an epic, mythic journey.

☑️(1)Mecha Legendary Key - Gatekeeper (?)
☑️(1) Legendary Artifact
☑️(1) BadAss Legend

- emotional day. fcking love you man.. Thank You!!🫂

17 42

Love a nice, "You've successfully forged X number items" pop up in the morning.. Forge it up!!!

5 10

The (r)Evolution is nigh. Mythic creatures stirring.
Restless Legends, watching, squirming

The Gateways call their name.

2 8

Invaders: (3.3k collection. Free air drop to AL holders).
They invade & don't give a fck. If forged, they will abduct an ecosystem nft (or others) right to your wallet. Totally random. They've delivered 2 Otherside deeds as well. and yup.. Invader+Key+Artifact = mythic

10 31

Speaking of Legendary Legends. The below are delivered and evolving. Essentially burning a specific artifact, creates a 1/1. You can find them on OS. (Liquid Legends)
Belong to: MrV, WWBH, Bill and Queen

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Liquid Legends: 3.3k piece collection
Left - white beard guy evolved.
Right: BA Legend and 2 evos. Mythic gateways do not play. This is a rough draft. 👀 They're coming soon.

8 24

What I was, is no longer who I am
What I’ve done, is start from scratch again
What I want is to learn, earn and find my path
And I’ll do it with caveman fcking math.

I am Kelly and forever NorthWestBound

1 6

After a day full of party hats, I have to admit. The hangover is gonna be real.

Fast Forward to Saturday.
Summed up nicely with this Zuki.. 💙🔥💯

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