

Random cartoon stuff // Vent, Rant Account // Sometimes art // She/her // 2001's kid // Muslim // Autistic

フォロー数:400 フォロワー数:247

Am I the only one who thinks Cosmo the Seedrian is terribly cute?

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You know, I needed to do this. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Just love Perry's looks in this song; this song is amazing!

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Here's a meme where the girl is drawn by one of the friendliest users I've ever met on Twitter . The girl is Emily Linda Flynn, one of her OCs.

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I really wish they grew up with time.

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To all the emerging artists out there, don't be discouraged. Even if you get only 1 like, your drawing is amazing.

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