A lot happened!
Spent a lot of time rediscovering who I was and worked on becoming an overall better person.
Definitely more happier now. https://t.co/J3rMQOVml1
Lmao I absolutely won’t win but I can imagine right? 😂😂😂
Good luck to everyone! Excited to see who will get it! 💕💕💕
#IWantCustomFursonaPins https://t.co/mEIdg1Cxyc
@angelmaws My dead name meant lively water enchantress lmao
My name now is just a play on my username which is a combo of Nuregami from Okami and Alligator (my fav animal, Caimans are my fav subspecies)
Guess who figured out a way to make xenomorph looking character for my roommate’s pathfinder campaign?
Hint: it was me. I figured it out. His name is Jakne (Yahk-nah), he’s 7ft tall, and I love him.