

20+| EN/日本語勉強中

フォロー数:546 フォロワー数:20044

Just a quick meimiyu/miyumei for warmup~
base by @/tsg0to

31 53

More tiny Xeno and Stanley! ✨✨

Kiss on the forehead indicates friendship and a sign of trust and comfort.
Gardenia = Childhood
Daisy = Innocence
Yellow Rose = Friendship

29 137

So I uh... went and made a standee mockup (?) out of this.
I miss making merchs... I miss cons...

9 62

🧸Little Lord Xeno and Sailor boy Stanley🧸

I made another version with lighter clothes because twitter cropping did the last one dirty 😤

54 239

Tiny Stanley & Xeno in early 1900s boys fashion ✨

52 230

Gen as Rosho because same voice actor!
Gen as Gentaro because same name!

And also, purple!!!!

316 953

Chrome 💎 as Chrome 💀

((Chrome actually thinks it looks cool))

140 434

Reupload because I fixed some errors. AGAIN orz

They both finally meet in the recent chapter so I'm celebrating!!!
Chrisawa shippers where u at

0 9

Decided to give some love to this (extremely) rare pair.........

Sawarai is so cute y'all I'm o)--(

0 9

It's been a while~
I'm back with more Senkuu in Universal Bunny costume 🐰❤️🐰

27 166