

I'm Nyxi, DnD DM, DnD lover, I enjoy video games, reading, make-up, among many other things!
Twitch: NyxiPlays CashApp: $NyxiStylez

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Some really awesome pieces by my fav

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did it again! This is Shrik Aargh(mimicking the sound of a blade cutting through skin followed by a pained cry), my Kenku Swashbuckler Rogue boy. I loves hims! Such a great job!

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Cade Gallows, my Halfling assassin :3

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This is my bard boi, Dähní :3

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I'll go with muh Tiefling boi! :3 Bagpipe Bard ftw! lol

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Congrats! Very nice style! I'll pop in my Tiefling Bard, he's quite fun :3

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Using amazing work of my Halfling Cade Gallows, I made an icon for him that actually shifts on his DDB Character sheet to show his duality, so to speak. xD

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Of course, can't forget my newest boi, brought to life by the awesome ! He's a Wood Elf named Tisane, Circle of the Stars Druid from the current Unearthed Arcana, multiclassed with Twilight or Tempest Cleric, not 100% decided.

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This is my Tiefling Bard, College of Whispers. Born male, he leans more feminine and will oft-times take a female disguise for ease of information gathering or infiltration if necessary. Dissonant Whispers is his spell of choice. Artist is Fuf on FA.

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