Blaze (I'm Dead)さんのプロフィール画像

Blaze (I'm Dead)さんのイラストまとめ

Dead ⚰️🥀…

フォロー数:316 フォロワー数:556

That whole sequence was so GOOD !!!

10 96

Finished THIFM + Requiem
Rating: PEAK/10

I had never imagined nor thought of a day when i'll have a tied Top 1 with LotGh. My mere words can't describe the brilliance and magnificence of this masterpiece. Loved it A LOT.

New Top 1 tied with LotGh. Amen!!

24 64

Finished Door 7
Rating: 10/10

It was painful, dreadful, tear-jerking. I endured pain and pain for 5 hours consistently and in the end when this CG arrived, I realized it was all worth it. Peak door. Loved it.

D7 > D5 > D6 > D3 > D1 > D4 > D2

10 50

⚡ Top 10 Favourite Gundam Seasons/Movies

1. MS Zeta Gundam
2. MSG: The Origin
3. MSG: Char's Counterattack
4. MSG: 1979
5. MSG 0080: War in the Pocket
6. MSG III: Encounters in Space
7. MSG: The 08th MS Team
8. MSG: Unicorn
9. MSG: Hathaways Flash
10. MSG II: Soldiers of Sorrow

5 31

⚡ What are your Top 4 Slice of Life Anime ?

My Top 4:

10 118

Fav MC: Reinhard
Fav Antagonist: Griffith
Fav Manga: Yotsuba
Fav Slice of Life: Yotsuba
Fav Sports Anime: Ashita no Joe
Fav Movie: Perfect Blue
Fav Childhood Anime: One Piece
Fav Big 3: One Piece
First Big 3: OP/Naruto/DB
Fav New Gen: Rakugo
Fav Old Gen(>2005): Gintama

1 23

Finished Rewatching Shogun Assassination Arc
Rating: 10/10

Shogun Assassination needless to say was an incredible arc, having a perfect balance of comedic moments, thrilling battles between the characters, and a moving melancholy storyline.

8 64

Finished Rewatching Red Spider Arc
Rating: 8.5-9/10

Gintama is a series that, without a doubt captures almost every essence of Anime and all of these essences are present in Red Spider Arc making it a pure essence of entertainment. Favourite arc of S1.

7 22