

|| Artist/crafter || weeb || ( ꈍᆺꈍ )9

フォロー数:354 フォロワー数:557

Isn't it trippy when you're watching a movie and there's a storm on the movie, but it's also stormy irl so you gotta try and decipher which is which...

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Researching stuff, and it leading to you learning the REAL truth about things and it just makes me....

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My "it doesn't have to make sense, they're just cute and powerful" gang....with one little green blob cos it's Hella cute...I haven't used one in game in a while...

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Made a male character cos they don't have nonbinary body form. So I'll just be a guy and a girl on their app pfft

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Wallpaper // lockscreen

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did another eye leaky thing, but this time only did one eye and made a tird eye glow gif ... 👀

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finished, but at what cost? some of my fingers are starting to go numb... lol

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I keep these on my phone to look at, they're cute to me but tensura isn't everyone's favorite anime...

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