Olivier Morissetteさんのプロフィール画像

Olivier Morissetteさんのイラストまとめ

Assistant Prof at @UQAC, ichthyologist, aquatic invasive species, otolith chemistry, anthropic stress | uqac.ca/portfolio/oliv…

フォロー数:1126 フォロワー数:2048

So random function provided me the Yellow Spotted Catshark for this week a quite cute little shark who like to hag out in costal South Africa, down to 500m deep. New species learn, I guess the challenge is completed! ;)

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For this week of "fish and what they eat", I wanted to talk about pumpkinseed. Thanks to its pharyngeal jaw, this is one of the only centrarchid that can crush and eat snails and mollusks. It can even remove spiny waterflea spine b4 eating them!

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Hi Yasha, I'm an ichthyologist, loving catching fish, drawing fish and reading about fish. When it's not about fish, I'm playing music and trying to be a good dad!

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Bon, ça serait à retravailler. Mais je te rappelle quand dans ce même album, nos chers Dupont(d)s ont une rechute de leur fameuse mutation capillaire (Au pays de l'or noir), alors pour l'exactitude scientifique, on repassera! 😅

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The freshwater Alligator Mermaid is an effective and GARgantuan ambushed predator, lurking in warm shallow water. This themed was fun, can't wait to look at your creations!

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For this week with "fish that are schooling" I present you the Lake Whitefish. During the fall, whitefish are forming impressive spawning run, which are often exploited as traditionnal fishing activities

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I'm Olivier, ecologist studying fish ecology, otolith chemistry and aquatic invasive species. I draw freshwater fish in hope to raise awareness.

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Since a lot of you have to rad comics avatars, I decided to make myself one too. Yeah, I'm a pirate with a fly rod and otolith earrings. Why!? Why not!? ;)

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For the "Quarantine Fish" I present you the bowfin, the master of work/family balance. If you identify to it, take a deep breath, It will be ok!

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Star Wars Ep 01, Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator

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