

Oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků Národní knihovny ČR/Department of Manuscripts and Printed Books of National Library of the Czech Republic @renatamodrakova

フォロー数:504 フォロワー数:1039

New head of Department

We inform you about change of our Department´s management. PhDr. Veronika Procházková has been to December 31st 2020 retired. The management of our Department, as well as all its joys and sorrows, was taken over from January 1st 2021 by Mgr. Jan Vojtíšek.

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Nový vedoucí našeho Oddělení

Rádi bychom vás informovali o výměně vedení našeho Oddělení. PhDr. Veronika Procházková k 31.12. 2020 odešla do důchodu. Vedení našeho Oddělení, stejně tak jako jeho veškeré radosti a strasti, od 1.1.2021 převzal Mgr. Jan Vojtíšek.

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"I am no traitor and I am ready to die." (Thomas Becket, 29th December 1170)
Lectionary of Albert of Meissen Osek 76, Bohemia, end of the 13th century

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This Czech psalter XVII F 8 from the end of the 15th century is complemented by decorations made of animals in borders, captured during various human activities. The secular character suggests that the owner (more likely) was a noble lady or a wealthy patrician.

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Snahu středověkých uživatelů zamlčit provenienci známého rukopisu s pozdně středověkou latinskou duchovní lyrikou (Národní knihovna, III D 10) popisuje ve svém blogovém příspěvku Jan Ciglbauer. Nenechte si ujít napínavé čtení! https://t.co/SyewJYKT54

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22nd May is the International Day for Biological Diversity ... The manuscript of the Codex Mexicanus XVI B 18 by the Jesuit Ignatius Tirsch says a lot in this regard. He captured Mexican nature in the second half of the 18th century, while much has not been preserved.

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Welcome in November!!! (#NationalLibraryCZ VI D 25, XIII C 1a)

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The Czech Bible from Tábor, also known as Bible of miller-woman, was created in Bohemia (third quarter of the 15th century, i.e. after Hussite revolution) (#NationalLibraryCZ XVII A 10)

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St. Hedwig of Silesia, one of the most powerful women from medieval middle Europe (Codex Ostroviensis, 1353, Getty museum)

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Time to catch a goose... (Graduale, 1464-1494, Bohemia, XIII A 5c, f. 143v) https://t.co/Fn8CmBheto

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