

Wanderer, wonderer, photographer & bongo player. Richard co-owns The Old School Art Gallery in Muker, showcasing art that reflects our fabulous Yorkshire Dales.

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A very rare backlit etching by 's own has arrived at the gallery. The Titania & Bottom Lightbox combines Piers's love of theatre, poetry, Shakespeare and Wensleydale, into a single superb etching. A must for Pier's Browne lovers!

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Just the ticket if you need a gift for someone who loves art, crafts & Swaledale, when you can't make it up the dale. Just call us - 01748 886155 - and we can pop it in the postbox.

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Hardraw Force yesterday, after the rain that drove the cyclists away. The power and weight of the water was tremendous. A real force of nature!

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Yorburgh, Wensleydale, tonight. I've become fascinated by the shape of this fell, the surrounding landscape and the drystone wall patterned moorland nestled below. Winter, with a covering of snow, will show it at it's best

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Nice to be greeted by a smiling face this morning.

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Beautiful evening above Muker, in today. And the weekend's looking like good walking weather too

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