Overly Sarcastic Productionsさんのプロフィール画像

Overly Sarcastic Productionsさんのイラストまとめ

Hi! We're Overly Sarcastic Productions, a two-person team youtube channel specializing in making the unfunny funny and the uninteresting interesting.

フォロー数:66 フォロワー数:109608

Know what I love most about Sun Wukong? Motherfucker is TINY. He's three ounces of whoopass. He's the embodiment of that "you aren't tall enough to strangle me" "you've sunk low enough for me to reach" meme. My only drawing rule is he's shorter than everyone else and I LOVE IT -R

473 2971

4 Divine Beasts and all 120 Shrines later – Cyan and I just beat the Calamity out of that swine-faced douchebag Ganon, and finished our very first Legend of Zelda game!

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask HOW HAVE I BEEN SLEEPING ON THIS SERIES ALL 23 YEARS OF MY LIFE??

43 1030

We've put up some more recent patreon commissions as designs on our redbubble! Coincidentally, all of them involve lightning in some capacity 🤔 -R

21 260

PLEASE read Stand Still Stay Silent. It's a very beautifully-illustrated comic about a post-magical-zombie-apocalypse Scandinavia and it's also fucking hilarious -R

65 540

LIFE PRO TIP: If you ever find yourself in the position to abduct and marry a beautiful swan maiden transformed from her feathered form by arcane sorceries, my advice is: don't -R

86 1161

sure is a lot of Interesting Political News in america today -R

115 1378

In their defense, I knew exactly what I was doing when I designed this beautiful man ✨ -R

17 626

Also, it's neat that "Mary Sue" is trending (thanks, Game Of Thrones), because it seems like everyone and their grandmother is contributing to the argument by linking back to my video about the trope. I'm so proud of my creation! -R

72 943

My favorite part of the Steven Universe fandom is how everyone has this unspoken agreement to loop every single plot twist back to the cookie cat song from episode one -R

84 701