Sparrow - 🍉 Back to doomsaying kpopさんのプロフィール画像

Sparrow - 🍉 Back to doomsaying kpopさんのイラストまとめ

⋈ - History will smile on me for coining Wonsta

フォロー数:318 フォロワー数:1044

We all need this right now.


Take your medication.

Have a sip of water.

Have a nap.

Have a food.

Rest your eyes for 30 seconds.

Get off news and social media feeds for 20 minutes.

Be kind to yourself.

Stay hydrated, beloved!

11 17

*wakes up from travel induced nap*

Make clear, easy to follow instructions on how to obtain and use K-Stream apps.

Create a list of resources, like fanbases and high profile accounts, that can help people get k-streaming apps.

Do the thing you want to see done.

Good day.

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