California Humor 📖さんのプロフィール画像

California Humor 📖さんのイラストまとめ

My California | California Living | Obsessed With California | California Humor | Welcome To California | email: [email protected]

フォロー数:25896 フォロワー数:62998

when you’re tryna merge in traffic and no one’s letting you in

888 2209

These cold 50 degree mornings got me like.

77 349

*When I’m out of state and I meet another Californian*

Me: California Forever

2133 6204

When you turn your car on and the hot air from the AC gets you like

279 695

Other States: "Try our authentic Mexican food!"

Californians: tRy OUr AutHENtic MeXicaN foOd!

590 1380

Me, when someone says their state is better than California

461 904

"What makes you happy?"

7464 6487