Oakgrove Primaryさんのプロフィール画像

Oakgrove Primaryさんのイラストまとめ

Oakgrove Primary School, Glasgow: Everyone learning to respect, nurture, empower and achieve.

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:1504

Lydia enjoyed drawing with a fellow Lydia this morning. Here is her Twit Twoo school drawing

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Harry in P4 shares his review of Alice in Wonderland with the help of Gizmo.

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We have 29 entries to our Fairtade Family Bake-off competition with still days to go!The big day is next Thursday 5th March. We are very excited. Winners will be announced at the fairtrade assembly on Friday 6th March.

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Oakgrove Primary School Inspection report published today. Please check school bags for letter. Well done to our staff, children, parents and school partners for making our school such a great place to play, work and learn.

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P7 loved making vegetables, rice and noodles to celebrate Chinese New Year 2020

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P3 had a fantastic trip to Scotland Street Museum today exploring how children lived in the past

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Chess club this term-P7’s teaching P5’s so they are ready for annual chess tournament next May. I’ll

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P7b have been learning how to draw one of the most challenging things in art! Well done- they are excellent!!

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’s Little Orchard boys used lots of imagination to create comfortable reading seats from some of our outdoor play equipment! 📚 Ziggy took full advantage too! 💤

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