


💕 @Simon1844

フォロー数:115 フォロワー数:52925

Fun Fact of the Day (#53): Remember how Pearl felt like "something big" was coming? If Team Unicorn won, Marina would've felt it. (Also, this reference is not in the JP or EU Splatfests.)

Go to "News Dialogue" -> "Team Alpha Wins" here to read the text: https://t.co/3MuG5ndBeh

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They're suspiciously silent about this Splatfest's Shifty Station. You can also see Team Chaos holding Killer Wails and Team Order holding a Hyperbomb in the announcement video.

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New Shifty Stations were introduced. They share their map codenames with some single player stages: one is called "Gabon" (similar to stage 4 with the Rolonium) and the other is called "Blowouts" (similar to stage 8 with the Inkfurlers).

Images from https://t.co/brdCgbKTKX.

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Regarding today's fun fact regarding placeholder Miiverse posts... Here are some more advanced drawings that artists from Nintendo made.

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Fun Fact of the Day (#30): These drawings are part of a set of posts that appear when Miiverse is down in Splatoon 1. They are likely meant to represent posts from younger artists on Miiverse.

(I find it amusing that Nintendo employees had to draw these.)

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Fun Fact of the Day (#25): The beta wooden bridge for The Reef still exists in Splatoon 2's files. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit even on the original 1.0 version of The Reef, as it leaves visible holes in the map.

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Fun Fact of the Day (#24): This dummy texture is used on the screens during the DJ Octavio fight, and it is seen if there aren't any in-game cameras being shown. The image is a screenshot of Callie standing on top of DJ Octavio's stage, which is partially embedded in the ground.

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Fun Fact of the Day (#23): This dummy texture is used on the Splatfest Information Board in Splatoon 1 if there is no actual Splatfest image. It appears to be a Splatfest between two types of Japanese food in a very different art style than actual Splatfest art.

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For reference, here are the Wooden Sandals (courtesy of )

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Nintendo has reverted the version number, so it should be working fine now. If your game is still prompting you for an update, restart your Switch.

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