

Coding / Design / Gym.

Worked on crypto documentaries for BBC, CNBC, CNN.

Founder @weirdwhales.

フォロー数:899 フォロワー数:7863


Everyone wants to grab a Koda for the however with the floor price at $20,000 it's becoming difficult

There's another 19 creatures lurking around at a much lower price point with a capped supply of 90 each.

- Anthony
- Chomps
- Cryptid
- Daniel

9 63

I’ll be running a hackathon this weekend, 24th and 25th September with some fellow

Would love to see you all join.

Sign-up and Discord link below.

Connect with us on Discord if you have any questions.

8 26

I pulled one Alex (#403) and two Xeeba V1 (#404 and

6 29