

Partnered Twitch Streamer and full time nerd. I bring characters to life in VR!
Discord: Oblivious#0182

Profile by @MaryamRose15
Banner by @Vulcan6877

フォロー数:1168 フォロワー数:3023

I don't usually talk about numbers much, but I have some really exciting news... I've sent in my Twitch Partnership application! ^^; 💕💕💕

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Gem girls are best girls.

0 8

Congrats! You've deserved it!!!

0 5

Lemmie in, I wanna watch a movie!

1 4

Definitely didn't take the time to make one of these because a bunch of my friends were. Definitely not.

2 56

I just had to do a double take because your art looked so much like my precious, pink baby. 😍

1 7

You've been such a wonderful addition to our family, bringing an energy to our friends that I wish I could even come close to replicating. You've been someone I love to be around, and can't wait to keep telling our story with. We love you baby Luna! 💕

1 2

Is my bean a good bean? Feel free to tell me what you think is bad too. 😮

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