

I love my doggos more than anything. I draw 💩 and collect figures+. Generally SFW. Multi-Fandom. I speak the 日本語/ENG😌👌 Shop: tako3goods.etsy.com

フォロー数:572 フォロワー数:3563

S…Samurai Sword….lol

23 78

Up for preorders on my Et^y shop until 29th+ 😂 CSM ones...I'll post up later on diff site orz...

4 13

I haven't finished all the art for the 1inch pieces but I've put them up for pre-orders. Open until 29th unless extended. My CSM Charms are also open for POs.

7 20

😌 the print

9 48

I was going to say this was my favorite contribution this year but this was last year....why time go so fast.../zenon face

22 126

Timelapse of last nights scribble

3 27

…was a random doodle but…older Noelle?…

39 244

Accepting custom charm/stand commissions! If you are interested in getting one, please DM me. OCs, pairings, and not limited to BC lol 😂
$25 for single character
$35 for 2 characters
+ shipping to your country.

3 15

A classic, My Condom Gijinka. Hes like 10+ years old...was made as a joke when media was gijinkafying everything......

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