

Currently doodling

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Exactly. The cartoon is what we enjoy, the real problem is REAL offending pedos.

Not pictures. But ... like... the funnel they can form when pedos interact with children online. It's a real mess. Be vigilant. Yes, that includes me.

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Alright, I know it's not usually the place I'd go for advice but ... how do I unbreak ZONE's heart?

She's really, really mad at me. uwu

https://t.co/1zxlKoerpQ Please reply, I need your wisdom. You've got like 10 years on me.

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i fucking despise this show

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bismuth: dafuq?

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aw shit here we go again, it's one of starlight glimmer's "sorry I accidentally brainwashed you all oops teehee" moments all over again

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this face right here where he's being bullied and about to cry-- I know it very well, unfortunately

when you just get sick of someone's shit and tell them off and then immediately regret it

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>Well I'm not going to fight you unless you teach me

We don't bargain with terrorists, Steven.

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